Full routing table not showing

Maybe this is a dumb question, but… how do I show up the full BGP routing table that my upstream is giving me?
I am accepting everything except my own ranges, but all I got is the default route

Check if you receive prefixes from bgp neighbor

show ip bgp summary
show ip bgp neighbors x.x.x.x received-routes
show ip route bgp

For more info,

I have the following example:

set policy prefix-list sub-deny rule 10 action deny
set policy prefix-list sub-deny rule 10 prefix
set policy prefix-list sub-deny rule 20 action deny
set policy prefix-list sub-deny rule 20 prefix
set policy prefix-list sub-deny rule 30 action permit
set policy prefix-list sub-deny rule 30 prefix

set policy prefix-list announce rule 10 action permit
set policy prefix-list announce  rule 10 prefix
set policy prefix-list announce  rule 20 action permit
set policy prefix-list announce  rule 20 prefix
set policy prefix-list announce  rule 30 action deny
set policy prefix-list announce  rule 30 prefix

set policy route-map AS65000 rule 10 action permit
set policy route-map AS65000 rule 10 match ip address prefix-list announce 

set protocols bgp neighbord address-family ipv4-unicast prefix-list import sub-deny
set protocols bgp neighbord address-family ipv4-unicast route-map export AS65000

After verification, my subnets are being received by my upstream, but I don’t receive any subnets from him.
Note: If i connect a Mikrotik router to my upstream, it works well… I receive the full bgp trable.

show ip bgp summary → shows my acctive peers → ok
show ip bgp neighbors x.x.x.x received-routes → show the routes received by that peer. → ok
show ip route bgp → shows only the default route

Hi @xervers, try to get it via show ip bgp command, it should return all received BGP prefixes.
Also, did you try delete prefix-list import from this peer?

I deleted the prefix-list and now I can see the announced subnets from my upstream.
So, what is the correct prefix-list block? is default route so you allow only default route and don’t permit anything

Here’s how rule 30 should look like:
set policy prefix-list sub-deny rule 30 action ‘permit’
set policy prefix-list sub-deny rule 30 le ‘32’
set policy prefix-list sub-deny rule 30 prefix ‘’

@bella that solved it for the IPv4 part.
if I set:
set policy prefix-list6 sub-deny rule 30 action ‘permit’
set policy prefix-list6 sub-deny rule 30 le ‘128’
set policy prefix-list6 sub-deny rule 30 prefix ‘::/0’

it doesn’t work for the IPv6.

Have you confirmed all routes being received by your IPv6 peers?

show ipv6 bgp neighbors <ipv6-address> received-routes

That should tell you everything being received from your IPv6 peers.

If you have no IPv6 based filters, then it should load up all of your received routes.

Also, you should consider splitting your peering, to allow you to better troubleshoot and separate your route-map’s and prefix-list’s a bit more, just incase there’s a conflict or other issues.

Also, for your input filter. I do this as well. What we do is

  1. Create prefix-list with all your subnets, make sure the action is permit, so it will match.
  2. Create a route man, first rule’s action will be deny, and match it to your prefix-list
  3. Create a second rule, which has the action of permit, do not match any ip address range.

Create prefix-list6 with your subnets

set policy prefix-list6 pl_BGPv6_import_MySubnets rule 10 action 'permit'
set policy prefix-list6 pl_BGPv6_import_MySubnets rule 10 prefix '::/32'

Create route-map to filter your routes and accept others

set policy route-map pol_BGPv6_import_BlockMySubnets rule 10 action 'deny'
set policy route-map pol_BGPv6_import_BlockMySubnets rule 10 match ipv6 address prefix-list 'pl_BGPv6_import_MySubnets'
set policy route-map pol_BGPv6_import_BlockMySubnets rule 20 action 'permit'

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