Has salt-minion been removed from 1.3?

What happened to set service salt-minion …?

vyos@vy.marek.isal.ski# set service
Possible completions:
 > broadcast-relay
                UDP broadcast relay service
 > conntrack-sync
                Connection tracking synchronization (conntrack-sync) service
 > dhcp-relay   Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) relay agent
 > dhcp-server  Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) for DHCP server
 > dhcpv6-relay DHCPv6 Relay Agent parameters
 > dhcpv6-server
                DHCP for IPv6 (DHCPv6) server
 > dns          Domain Name System related services
 > https        HTTPS configuration
 > ipoe-server  Internet Protocol over Ethernet (IPoE) Server
 > lldp         LLDP settings
 > mdns         Multicast DNS (mDNS) parameters
 > pppoe-server Point to Point over Ethernet (PPPoE) Server
 > snmp         Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
 > ssh          Secure SHell (SSH) protocol
 > sstp-server  Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) Server
 > tftp-server  Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server
 > webproxy     Webproxy service settings


Version:          VyOS 1.3-rolling-202002220217
Built by:         autobuild@vyos.net
Built on:         Sat 22 Feb 2020 02:17 UTC
Build UUID:       a24f7658-077c-4daf-8dba-edf28f9d77ef
Build Commit ID:  9ead55dde1a1b4

Is salt discontinued in VyOS 1.3 now?

Not intentionally, let me check how we can get it back.
on side note, what minion version we should go with in 1.3?

Given 1.3 is Debian 10.3 under the hood, I would recommend 2019.2 using the PY3 repository:


Archive key at: https://repo.saltstack.com/py3/debian/10/amd64/2019.2/SALTSTACK-GPG-KEY.pub

And apt-able packages at:

deb http://repo.saltstack.com/py3/debian/10/amd64/2019.2 buster main

There are two caveats:

  1. the PY3 repository uses Python 3, which might show some warnings in its output related to deprecated features of the language; but at least this is a stable and supported version of Python :slight_smile:
  2. there is a current version of SaltStack v3000, but we’ve had some slight interop problems running that as a salt-minion when talking to a salt-master of 2019 (or earlier)… I’m still investigating why!

Back in the early Debian Buster days salt was removed as somehow it was not that easy to integrate but that should not block the migration to Debian Buster.

I will readd that package to vyos-world ⚓ T2063 vyos-salt-minion package is missing from vyos-world

Any rolling release after vyos-1.3-rolling-202002220217-amd64.iso should have it back in. Please test and report bugs via Phabricator.

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That’s tomorrow’s fun dev project chosen, then! :slight_smile:

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Thumbs-up from me, that is working a treat.

And so I have released hphr — which is “VyOS + SaltStack + Netbox = Routing Security”.

Many thanks!

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