Help troubleshooting routing performance issue 1 way only

Yes, I suspect about the same, some edge case with LACP and Vlans. Even though its strange happening only on 1 direction of traffic, considering I have all 3 ports in a LACP group that carry everything to and from the switch, including vlan 1.

When you mean top, would be based only on interrupts and cpu usage?
I was wondering if we had something more concrete that would identify like “X ammount of bytes or packages offloaded by type Y of offloading”.

I’m waiting on a new switch which has a few 10GbE ports, so I might replace the Intel ET2 Quad nic for 10GbE, that way VyOS will only have to deal with VLans and not LACP at the same time.

Check SI (system interrupts) loads, system interrupts.