I’ve been using the build instructions here to build an ISO of sagitta for upgrading my home lab from 1.3.3 to 1.4.1. I specifically want to build 1.4.1, because that is the current LTS. Now, I recognize that Debian is a moving target and that what I build will not be exactly equal to the LTS ISO that subscribers can download. But what I’m looking for is to build a tagged 1.4.1 release that has all the feature changes in 1.4.1 but none of the feature changes intended for 1.4.2 or 1.4.next or whatever. In other words, I don’t want a rolling/nightly release of 1.4, I want something that has been tested to be stable.
That does not … seem possible? Or else the instructions very intentionally do not tell you how to do it. All of the instructions are based on mutable branches instead of immutable tags, and appear to include changes from as recently as weeks ago even though 1.4.1 was released months ago.
Anyone know how to build a specific released version, such as 1.4.1?
For 1.4.0 you need to build all the individual packages to build it as the repos with the official packages are restricted now. Shortly after 1.4.0 the source for the LTS branch became no longer publicly available so to build 1.4.1 you would need to have a subscription and ask for it i guess through a ticket or maybe the slack, and then build all the packages and the image from that.
As we already announced earlier, from this release, source code of LTS branches is no longer publicly available on GitHub. That does not make VyOS any less free (as in freedom) software…
Yes it does! If I can’t access the source code without paying for it, then VyOS is not “free (as in freedom) software.” VyOS is not open source software.
Today I learned that VyOS is now officially closed-source software. Sigh.
What else really gets my goat about this is that I’m a contributor who can’t get approved to get LTS binaries. Back in the Bugzilla and pre-pull-request days, I contributed tons of bug reports, patches, documentation improvements, etc. All the records of that disappeared when they switched to Phabricator, and when I pointed that out in my emails to support, I was basically told too bad, I’m out of luck, my contributions don’t matter anymore and I can’t get LTS access.
I know no one reads the GPL, but this is perfectly allowable. You only have to be given a copy of the source code if you are provided with a binary. So yes, VyOS is still perfectly open source by the GPL.
I know that’s not what you’re used to, so most people (obviously yourself included) incorrectly assume code being GPL’d means it’s yours whenever you want it.
All this is moot anyway because the source to the latest and greatest, 1.5, is freely available. I understand that’s not what you want.
Another example of this I can think of is grsecurity. Their patch is still GPL as it applies against the standard Linux kernel.