How to change kernel?

Hi all, thanks for fork!
Little question, how to change vyatta kernel to another version?
When i build image from source, in a pkgs i see linux-image module.
Can i replace kernel source in this directory?
I need kernel 3.4.52, its tested for work with opennhrp and dont have problem with multicast.
Many thanks!

Please read this thread.

Second post

Yes, but this is completed iso.
When i searched analog of cisco, one of the important option is dmvpn support.
I found project OpenNHRP and added it to the Vyatta (in production from 6.1 release)
So, for this i need to build image from the source, because i need to add ipsec-tools >0.8, OpenNHRP project and some configuration node.
Vyatta is dead, so i want try this fork.

You could try the git? Wheezy transit is there, als the build-iso wheezy-transit builds the iso with newer kernel.

Thanks for answer!
Cannot switch branch to wheeze-transit(
git checkout --track -b wheezy-transit origin/wheezy-transit
fatal: A branch named ‘wheezy-transit’ already exists.
More errors, gcc on wheezy 4.7, configuration script wont 4.2.
And kernel in wheeze-tranzit is 3.3.6, not 3.4.52

Sorry about that,

The build-iso has branch wheezy-transit.
The rest has branch hydrogen-wheezy.
And kernel 3.10 is branch hydrogen-wheezy-3.10

I still have to make it uniform.

Ok, waiting)

Any news?)

I just updated the repo’s, they all have the wheezy-transit branch now.
I also have updated the kernel to 3.10.32 but I still have to do the build test.

Cloned. Trying to build

root@vyos:/srv/vyos-wheezy/build-iso# git checkout --track -b wheezy-transit origin/wheezy-transit
Branch wheezy-transit set up to track remote branch wheezy-transit from origin.
Switched to a new branch ‘wheezy-transit’
root@vyos:/srv/vyos-wheezy/build-iso# git submodule update --init pkgs/linux-vyatta
error: pathspec ‘pkgs/linux-vyatta’ did not match any file(s) known to git.
Did you forget to ‘git add’?
error: pathspec ‘pkgs/linux-vyatta’ did not match any file(s) known to git.
Did you forget to ‘git add’?

And stupid question, build env for wheeze-transit is Debian Wheezy?

you have to update your repo :slight_smile:
I updated the url in the git submodules to my git repo, and to get the kernel you have to do “git submodule update --init pkgs/linux-image” instead of “pkgs/linux-vyatta”
also you can get the kernel by just cloning the vyos linux git.

“git clone
“git checkout wheezy-transit”

compiled kernels are here:

Yes, the build environment is debian wheezy.

CONFIG_ARPD=y ? it’s required for opennhrp

yes that is set:

Nice! Build is successfull)
One more question, i see last opennhrp package. Do you make some CLI for opennhrp interface? I have my customization CLI for this, but i am very bad perl programmer)
Next step testing…dmvpn in stage 3 with ospf)
Thanks for your work!

Glad it works!

No there is no cli yet for the opennhrp package, we are not even sure what patches the vyatta team did to their own opennhrp package.

You can provide your perl code if you like!

Ok. I try to fix some points in cli script and then provide code.
Little confused about vyatta team`s patches in opennhrp. I used clear build from Timo and its work perfect and stable.

Good to know :slight_smile:


Thank you for your great work!!.

I summarized build step.

Setup Debian wheezy

# apt-get install -y git autoconf dpkg-dev live-build syslinux genisoimage ssh sudo devscripts kernel-package xorriso squashfs-tools zsyncmake
# wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

% git clone

% git submodule update --init pkgs/linux-image
% cd pkgs/linux-image
% git checkout -b wheezy-transit origin/wheezy-transit

% debian/bin/ amd64-vyos # Ignore error
exit 1
make[1]: *** [debian/control-real] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/path/to/build-iso/pkgs/linux-image'
make: *** [debian/control] Error 2

% cd ../../
% make linux-image

% export PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH
% autoreconf -i
% ./configure
# make iso

You could try the git? Wheezy transit is there, als the build-iso wheezy-transit builds the iso with newer kernel.