How to close spoofing

hello guys
how i can stop spoofing ?

i do not want use rp or urp filter for close spoofing i want to close this with firewall rules

can someone tell me how i can do this

my wan interface → eth1
my lan interface → eth2

Do you have bgp and own block of ip addresses?
It that Spoofing from wan or lan network?
You can drop traffic on wan interface which match source “lan” network as you expected it from Lan.

If it just random source ip addresses there are no option to block it on any vendor equipment.

yes i have bgp and own block of ip addresses

is that spoofing outgoing from my network → lan

i want drop out spoof connections

i made this configuration is correct ?

set interfaces ethernet eth3 firewall in name LAN-OUT
set interfaces ethernet eth3 firewall out name LAN-IN

set firewall group address-group LAN address prefix1/24
set firewall group address-group LAN address prefix2/24
set firewall group address-group LAN address prefix3/24

////////////////////////// LAN-IN          ////////////////////////
set firewall name LAN-IN default-action drop

set firewall name LAN-IN rule 14 action accept
set firewall name LAN-IN rule 14 protocol tcp

set firewall name LAN-IN rule 15 action accept
set firewall name LAN-IN rule 15 protocol udp

////////////////////////// LAN-OUT    ////////////////////////
set firewall name LAN-OUT default-action drop

set firewall name LAN-OUT rule 14 action accept
set firewall name LAN-OUT rule 14 protocol tcp
set firewall name LAN-OUT rule 14 source group address-group LAN

set firewall name LAN-OUT rule 15 action accept
set firewall name LAN-OUT rule 15 protocol udp
set firewall name LAN-OUT rule 15 source group address-group LAN