I’m trying to configure 1:1 IPv6 NAT: My ISP gives me a /56, but the subnet address changes, and I want to have stable internal IPv6 addresses. So I’m thinking that NAT66 could work, and indeed it does, when configured manually:
set nat66 source rule 10 source prefix fda3:xxxx:xxxx::/56
set nat66 source rule 10 outbound-interface name eth0.99
set nat66 source rule 10 translation address 2607:aaaa:bbbb:cccc::/56
set nat66 destination rule 20 destination address 2607:aaaa:bbbb:cccc::/56
set nat66 destination rule 20 inbound-interface name eth0.99
set nat66 destination rule 20 translation address fda3:xxxx:yyyy::/56
This all works, but I need to make automatic changes to the above config when the ISP-provided subnet (2607:aaaa…) changes, this seems to be impossible.
I tried using “set interfaces … dhcpv6-options pd 0 interface” to assign the external subnet to some dummy interface, but it looks like Vyos won’t let me assign the whole /56, and besides it’s not clear to me how to setup routing through that interface.
Any suggestions?