How to install Oakla Speedtest on router

please could you help me to install the oakla speedtest binary onto Vyos router machine ?

I’m not so confident to proceed .


I’ve used GitHub - showwin/speedtest-go: CLI and Go API to Test Internet Speed using
Just download the Linux_x86_64.tar.gz file to your VyOS box and run it.

I’ve download and unzip … now I see the file speedtest-go but I receive the followinf message …

vyos@vyos:~$ speedtest-go

Invalid command: [speedtest-go]

If your shell is in the same directory where the speedtest-go program is, then you would run ./speedtest-go

-vbash: ./speedtest-go: cannot execute binary file

I’ve successfully done with the official oakla files.

How did you finally do it?

download from oakla web

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