I can no longer disconnect clients remotely from pppoe-server

unfortunately, when using the function of disconnecting pppoe clients, it simply does not respond to my freeradius server
“No reply from server for ID 168 socket 3”
I believe that the culprit is the exchange of the ip of the vyos of the wan port, however when using the command “set service pppoe-server authentication radius dynamic-author server ‘’”

the following message is displayed:
"Configuration path: service pppoe-server authentication [radius] is ambiguous

Possible completions:
IP address of RADIUS server
RADIUS settings

Set failed

I tried to change the freeradius configuration using the command “set service pppoe-server authentication radius server” but I get exactly the same message as the other command

ping from freeradius: ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=2.01 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.366 ms

complementing, looking at the show command I found the following configuration on the dae-server
"dae-server {
port 3799
secret ******
but as already mentioned the ip changed to

Hi @douglas, it seems in this case necessary define port and key. Because dynamic-author might be used and for other remote access services.

set service pppoe-server authentication radius dynamic-author key 'testing123'
set service pppoe-server authentication radius dynamic-author server ''
set service pppoe-server authentication radius dynamic-author port '3799'

I think we need to add an additional check for server, port, and key if dynamic-author section defined.