I have tried to install VyOS on an HP Enterprise ProLiant server.
The server boots into the VyOS live disk ok.
when I run “install image”, the installer correctly detects a pair of NVMe drives and offers to pair them into software RAID-1. Then the installation continues and appears to have completed successfully. The installer claims to have written bootloaders to both the physical disks.
But when I reboot, I land in the grub> prompt.
I tried again, booting from the live disk, then wiping the partitions on both physical disks, then running the installer. This time, I declined the software RAID1, and chose to install on just one physical disk. The installer again claimed to have completed successfully, but when I rebooted, I again landed in the grub> prompt.
I tried an earlier 1.4-based rolling image. It didn’t offer to pair the disks into RAID1, so I just chose one of the physical disks. The installer claimed to complete successfully, and when I rebooted, it booted into the installed VyOS without complication.
In the installer interactions for 1.5, I haven’t seen any prompts which might affect how it sets up GRUB and the bootloader, so I’m now wondering if this particular server is hitting some edge case in the installer.
i see the same behavior on vyos-1.5-rolling-202501140634-generic-amd64, vyos-1.5-rolling-202501100007-generic-amd64.iso and vyos-1.5-rolling-202412310006-generic-amd64.iso
Silly question but after reboot did you check the bios to ensure the correct boot device is selected, I did a similar install on a rapid pair then a reboot went back into live environment before resetting the boot priority in bios
Does your Proliant boot with UEFI or does it support legacy (CSM, etc) booting?
I tried repeatedly to install 1.5-rolling-202501110007 onto a UEFI-only system last week with a lot of issues:
The installer didn’t want to boot at all. I had to use Ventoy to chain-boot into the VyOS installer. Without that, the BIOS didn’t see my USB drive as bootable. I created it via dd of=/dev/sdX from a Linux desktop, nothing fancy.
Installing without RAID1 worked fine.
Installing with RAID1 booted to grub> with no config. I tried installing 3 times and tried booting from both drives. I didn’t see any errors on the console, it just didn’t work.
I have a test system that I can throw an extra NVMe drive into and try reproducing if that’d help.
Also – after doing a (failed) RAID 1 install, the next install still booted to grub> , because the BIOS tried to boot to the second drive of the bad RAID 1 install. That’s obviously not a VyOS bug.
I had to select the correct boot device (or remove the partition from the second device) to get the non-RAID install to boot.