Ipv6 pd Requesting length 64, getting length 48

I had this working in the past, but I did not save my full config.

I usually run from live iso. So do not have a config saved.

show version

Version:          VyOS 1.4-rolling-202204300743
Release train:    sagitta

Built by:         autobuild@vyos.net
Built on:         Sat 30 Apr 2022 07:43 UTC
Build UUID:       08bb31cf-725e-4cc3-b5c0-b18d2b6a1ef1
Build commit ID:  8d31e8b0891959

Architecture:     x86_64
Boot via:         livecd
System type:      bare metal

My ISP has dhcpv6 pd, and I have /48 available. But of course I want to delegate single /64 to LAN interface.

[edit interfaces]
vyos@vyos# show
 ethernet eth0 {
     description LAN
     hw-id e4:xxxx
 ethernet eth1 {
     address dhcp
     address dhcpv6
     description WAN
     dhcpv6-options {
         pd 0 {
             interface eth0 {
                 address 1
                 sla-id 1
             length 64
     hw-id e4:xxxxx
     ipv6 {
         address {

[edit service router-advert]
vyos@vyos# show
 interface eth0 {
     default-lifetime 300
     default-preference high
     interval {
         max 30
     link-mtu 1500
     name-server 2606:4700:4700::1111
     name-server 2606:4700:4700::1001
     prefix ::/64 {
         preferred-lifetime 300
         valid-lifetime 900
     reachable-time 900000
     retrans-timer 0

But that does not work.

vyos@vyos:~$ show interfaces 
Codes: S - State, L - Link, u - Up, D - Down, A - Admin Down
Interface        IP Address                        S/L  Description
---------        ----------                        ---  -----------
eth0                          u/u  LAN
eth1             85.A.B.C/25                 u/u  WAN

And because /48 is assigned to eth0, the prefix ::/64 for radvd does not pick it.