IPv6 using DHCPv6 client on PPPoE interface


My ISP assigns dynamic /64 IPv6 blocks using DHCPv6 and they use PPPoE. The BNG at my ISP is from juniper. I have tried configuring this on my own and I am seeing really weird behavior.

I set ipv6 on pppoe to autoconf. After doing this, ISP starts blasting me with Router advertisements, IPv4 connectivity stops working and tunnels fails and then does not come online for the next 30 minute or an hour.

I am trying to figure out if this is right or did I miss some thing?

 pppoe pppoe0 {
     authentication {
     default-route-distance 1
     description Zeonet
     ip {
         adjust-mss clamp-mss-to-pmtu
     ipv6 {
         address {
     mru 1492
     source-interface eth0

Back in mikrotik, I was configuring it like this,

/ipv6 dhcp-client
add disabled=yes interface=ether4 rapid-commit=no request=address \

Am I doing some thing wrong here? The documentation for auto conf says it configures it with slaac but is that it or does it also use dhcpv6 ?

Just try this config commands

set interfaces pppoe pppoe0 authentication password xxxxxx
set interfaces pppoe pppoe0 authentication username xxxxxx
set interfaces pppoe pppoe0 dhcpv6-options pd 0 interface eth1 address ‘1’
set interfaces pppoe pppoe0 dhcpv6-options pd 0 interface eth1 sla-id ‘0’
set interfaces pppoe pppoe0 ip adjust-mss ‘clamp-mss-to-pmtu’
set interfaces pppoe pppoe0 ipv6 address autoconf
set interfaces pppoe pppoe0 ipv6 adjust-mss ‘clamp-mss-to-pmtu’
set interfaces pppoe pppoe0 source-interface ‘eth0’
set nat source rule 100 outbound-interface ‘pppoe0’
set service router-advert interface eth1 name-server ‘xxxx:xxxx::1111’
set service router-advert interface eth1 prefix ::/64 valid-lifetime ‘172800’

Adjust your pppoe intwrface according

Hey, thanks! I’ll save this in my notes and maybe I’ll try this again in a few hours although I am not sure if I should.

I think there is some thing wrong on the isp side and the moment I enable dhcpv6, their juniper bng starts blasting my router with router advertisements(in excess of 60Mbps of JUST RA traffic) and doesn’t stop for 30+ minutes unless someone on the other side takes out the sfp module :man_facepalming:

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