Is it a bug or feature with delete command?

For example, I have a configured
set protocols ospf default-information originate always
I make a
delete protocols ospf default-information originate always and commit
after that VyOS configuration still has
set protocols ospf default-information originate
Why is it so? Is it normal?

Ok, maybe I can understand previous behavior. But next
I have now
set protocols ospf default-information originate
I make a
delete protocols ospf default-information originate and commit
And I see in configuration
set protocols ospf default-information
But it is not even a command. It is do nothing. Why it remains?

It was performed on VyOS 1.4-rolling-202101110217
OSPF it is only example. This behavior is typical for every configuration sections. I think it is not convenient.

that’s the way vyatta and it’s derivatives, including edgeos and vyos have always worked\

in other words, its a feature

Oh, not too well. I think this needs to be changed. I understand it is not easy. But still

I was not happy the first time it happened to me, but that was years ago and I’ve gotten used to it :frowning:

You should be able to remove empty stanzas by deleting the parent. In your example, delete protocols ospf default-information.

yes, I have already figured it out experimentally :grin: