Issue with VRRP sync-group & health-check script

The issue is that VRRP goes to fault state due to possibly conflicting keepalived configuration (generated by VyOS).

Everything works fine, until we introduce the vrrp sync-group configuration into play.

Seems like VyOS erroneously uses the health-check script both for “vrrp” instance and the vrrp_sync_group (seen below in the keepalived configuration).

We are using the vrrp sync-group just because conntrack-sync wants a syncgroup defined as it’s failover mechanism. Otherwise no need for it.

VRRP and conntrack configuration:

set high-availability vrrp group vrrp address
set high-availability vrrp group vrrp health-check failure-count '1'
set high-availability vrrp group vrrp health-check interval '1'
set high-availability vrrp group vrrp health-check script '/config/scripts/'
set high-availability vrrp group vrrp interface 'gnv0'
set high-availability vrrp group vrrp preempt-delay '30'
set high-availability vrrp group vrrp priority '200'
set high-availability vrrp group vrrp track interface 'eth1'
set high-availability vrrp sync-group vrrp member 'vrrp'
set high-availability vrrp sync-group vrrp transition-script backup '/config/scripts/ BACKUP'
set high-availability vrrp sync-group vrrp transition-script fault '/config/scripts/ BACKUP'
set high-availability vrrp sync-group vrrp transition-script master '/config/scripts/ MASTER'
set high-availability vrrp sync-group vrrp transition-script stop '/config/scripts/ BACKUP'

set service conntrack-sync failover-mechanism vrrp sync-group 'vrrp'
set service conntrack-sync interface gnv0

cat /run/keepalived/keepalived.conf

# Autogenerated by VyOS
# Do not edit this file, all your changes will be lost
# on next commit or reboot

# Global definitions configuration block
global_defs {
    script_user root
    notify_fifo /run/keepalived/keepalived_notify_fifo
    notify_fifo_script /usr/libexec/vyos/system/

vrrp_script healthcheck_vrrp {
    script "/config/scripts/"
    interval 1
    fall 1
    rise 1
vrrp_instance vrrp {
    state BACKUP
    interface gnv0
    virtual_router_id 1
    priority 200
    advert_int 1
    preempt_delay 30
    virtual_ipaddress {
    track_interface {
    track_script {

vrrp_sync_group vrrp {
    group {

    track_script {
    notify_master "/usr/libexec/vyos/ master vrrp"
    notify_backup "/usr/libexec/vyos/ backup vrrp"
    notify_fault "/usr/libexec/vyos/ fault vrrp"

show vrrp log:

Feb 06 14:15:29 Keepalived_vrrp[2326]: (vrrp) track_script healthcheck_vrrp is configured on VRRP instance and sync group. Remove vrrp instance config

Any ideas how to fix this?

Seems like the Issue might be caused by this keepalived.conf.j2 template: vyos-1x/data/templates/high-availability/keepalived.conf.j2 at da465d26b524fb26e0e9085e80a3ccaa6435eaa9 · vyos/vyos-1x · GitHub

Maybe should adjust the template logic to ensure that track_script is only configured in one place —either at the individual VRRP instance level or within the sync group, but not both?

Further information @ ⚓ T6020 vrrp health-check script not applied correctly in keepalived.conf

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