I have issues dropping package from internet to VyOS ( use 1.4)
wan → eth0
firewall config:
set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL default-action ‘drop’
set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 10 action ‘drop’
set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 10 destination port ‘22’
set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 10 protocol ‘tcp’
set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 10 recent count ‘4’
set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 10 recent time ‘minute’
set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 11 action ‘drop’
set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 11 destination port ‘22’
set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 11 inbound-interface name ‘eth0’
set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 11 outbound-interface name ‘eth0’
set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 11 protocol ‘tcp’
set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 11 state ‘new’
ipv4 Firewall “name WAN-LOCAL”
Rule Action Protocol Packets Bytes Conditions
10 drop tcp 0 0 tcp dport 22 add @RECENT_NAM_WAN-LOCAL_10 { ip saddr limit rate over 4/minute burst 4 packets }
11 drop tcp 0 0 ct state new tcp dport 22 iifname “eth0” oifname “eth0”
default drop all 0 0
When I try to connect from internet to VyOS using ssh (port 22), this work and connect, I need to know why can’t drop this package is rule appear is drop.