Issues with rules WAN-LOCAL , firewall didn't work

I have issues dropping package from internet to VyOS ( use 1.4)
wan → eth0

firewall config:
set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL default-action ‘drop’

set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 10 action ‘drop’

set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 10 destination port ‘22’

set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 10 protocol ‘tcp’

set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 10 recent count ‘4’

set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 10 recent time ‘minute’

set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 11 action ‘drop’

set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 11 destination port ‘22’

set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 11 inbound-interface name ‘eth0’

set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 11 outbound-interface name ‘eth0’

set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 11 protocol ‘tcp’

set firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 11 state ‘new’

ipv4 Firewall “name WAN-LOCAL”

Rule Action Protocol Packets Bytes Conditions

10 drop tcp 0 0 tcp dport 22 add @RECENT_NAM_WAN-LOCAL_10 { ip saddr limit rate over 4/minute burst 4 packets }
11 drop tcp 0 0 ct state new tcp dport 22 iifname “eth0” oifname “eth0”
default drop all 0 0

When I try to connect from internet to VyOS using ssh (port 22), this work and connect, I need to know why can’t drop this package is rule appear is drop.


So rule 10 works as expected for you but rule 11 no?
For rule 11, you need to delete outbound-interface (since it’s for the router itself)

delete firewall ipv4 name WAN-LOCAL rule 11 outbound-interface

Hi Nicolas,

I have issues applying WAN-LOCAL to WAN interface
My config have zone WAN eth0

I think the issue is because need set this rule to WAN interface.

Please yoou can help with command to apply WAN-LOCAL to my WAN interface.



Maybe start from sending all traffic received on WAN interface (eth0) towards the router to your custom chain:

set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 10 inbound-interface name eth0
set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 10 action jump
set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 10 jump-target 'WAN-LOCAL'

Ohh, it looks you are using zones.
Did you define local zone? Did you define traffic from WAN zone to Local zone?

Hi Nicolas,

I define WAN but I don’t know how define local and how assign WAN-to-Local to inbound traffic to router.

Maybe can share example?


From my running setup:

$ show firewall zone-policy
Zone     Interfaces    From Zone    Firewall IPv4    Firewall IPv6
-------  ------------  -----------  ---------------  ---------------
lan      eth3          local        local_lan        local_lan-6
                       wan          wan_lan          wan_lan-6
local    LOCAL         lan          lan_local        lan_local-6
                       wan          wan_local        wan_local-6
wan      eth0          lan          lan_wan          lan_wan-6
                       local        local_wan        local_wan-6

$ show configuration commands | grep "global-options" | strip-private
set firewall global-options state-policy established action 'accept'
set firewall global-options state-policy invalid action 'drop'
set firewall global-options state-policy related action 'accept'

$ show configuration commands | grep "zone lan" | strip-private
set firewall zone lan default-action 'reject'
set firewall zone lan from local firewall ipv6-name 'local_lan-6'
set firewall zone lan from local firewall name 'local_lan'
set firewall zone lan from wan firewall ipv6-name 'wan_lan-6'
set firewall zone lan from wan firewall name 'wan_lan'
set firewall zone lan interface 'eth3'

$ show configuration commands | grep "zone local" | strip-private
set firewall zone local default-action 'reject'
set firewall zone local from lan firewall ipv6-name 'lan_local-6'
set firewall zone local from lan firewall name 'lan_local'
set firewall zone local from wan firewall ipv6-name 'wan_local-6'
set firewall zone local from wan firewall name 'wan_local'
set firewall zone local local-zone

$ show configuration commands | grep "zone wan" | strip-private
set firewall zone wan default-action 'reject'
set firewall zone wan from lan firewall ipv6-name 'lan_wan-6'
set firewall zone wan from lan firewall name 'lan_wan'
set firewall zone wan from local firewall ipv6-name 'local_wan-6'
set firewall zone wan from local firewall name 'local_wan'
set firewall zone wan interface 'eth0'

$ show configuration commands | grep firewall | grep wan_local | strip-private
set firewall ipv4 name wan_local default-action 'drop'
set firewall ipv4 name wan_local description 'IPv4 traffic rules from WAN to router'
set firewall ipv4 name wan_local rule 10 action 'accept'
set firewall ipv4 name wan_local rule 10 description 'Allow ICMPv4'
set firewall ipv4 name wan_local rule 10 protocol 'icmp'
set firewall ipv4 name wan_local rule 20 action 'accept'
set firewall ipv4 name wan_local rule 20 description 'Allow DHCP Renew'
set firewall ipv4 name wan_local rule 20 destination port '68'
set firewall ipv4 name wan_local rule 20 protocol 'udp'
set firewall ipv4 name wan_local rule 100 action 'drop'
set firewall ipv4 name wan_local rule 100 description 'DROP MultiCast from ISP CMTS'
set firewall ipv4 name wan_local rule 100 destination address ''
set firewall ipv4 name wan_local rule 100 protocol 'igmp'
set firewall ipv4 name wan_local rule 100 source address ''
set firewall ipv6 name wan_local-6 default-action 'drop'
set firewall ipv6 name wan_local-6 description 'IPv6 traffic rules from WAN to router'
set firewall ipv6 name wan_local-6 rule 10 action 'accept'
set firewall ipv6 name wan_local-6 rule 10 description 'Allow ICMPv6 traffic'
set firewall ipv6 name wan_local-6 rule 10 protocol 'icmpv6'
set firewall ipv6 name wan_local-6 rule 20 action 'accept'
set firewall ipv6 name wan_local-6 rule 20 description 'Allow DHCPv6 traffic'
set firewall ipv6 name wan_local-6 rule 20 destination port '546'
set firewall ipv6 name wan_local-6 rule 20 protocol 'udp'
set firewall ipv6 name wan_local-6 rule 20 source port '547'

The global-options state-policy config entries saves having to create those 3 rules in each zone rule set/firewall

You need to create a rule set/firewall for each defined direction between zones, even if all it has is a default-action.

Hi Goofball,

Thanks for quick reply
I have a question:

  1. Does the local zone have no interface assigned? This means it needs to be attached to a WAN in case I need to block traffic coming from the internet to my Vyos.

show firewall zone local

set firewall zone local default-action ‘reject’
set firewall zone local from lan firewall ipv6-name ‘lan_local-6’
set firewall zone local from lan firewall name ‘lan_local’
set firewall zone local from wan firewall ipv6-name ‘wan_local-6’
set firewall zone local from wan firewall name ‘wan_local’
set firewall zone local local-zone
2. with this command in my config don’t need to add action accept, state-established , state-related. in all my rules, is enough declared in global for work in all my rules?
set global-options state-policy established action ‘accept’
set global-options state-policy invalid action ‘drop’
set global-options state-policy related action ‘accept’


1- Zone defined as local, with ‘local-zone’ command, doesn’t need an interface. When you define a zone as ‘local’, this means the router itself. It will control traffic towards the router itself (for example ssh to the router)
2- When using those global state policies, there’s no need to re-define state policies in other places. They are inserted at the begging of the ruleset, so if a connection is established, it will be accepted.

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Thanks for all you help !!

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