Latest ISO url no longer working

Latest ISO is no longer found at

Is this permanent or a temp glitch?

Looks like, the downloads can only happen from github page now

which is fine - it would be good then to have a latest.iso so that updates can use that URL.

true… but for some reason mods chose to disable that URL

Hopefully they can restore that as a symlink at least.

Would be so much easier to perform an “add system image” pointing to current.iso rather than first having to visit the homepage, copy the url, paste the url through ssh or whatever and so on.

I created a task regarding the issue of missing latest.iso path: âš“ T5503 Nightly-builds is missing a latest.iso to be used with add system image

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Sadly I saw it get shut down almost immediately, while technically not a bug, I would hope the Vyos maintainers can listen to their community and bring this symlink back.

Yeah I agree.

Of course its not a hard task to visit the homepage, figure out the link, rightclick on it, copy, alt+tab back to the ssh window with VyOS, paste at the ssh window, press enter. But its still additional unnecessary steps which would be fixed with a proper clone or symlink of latest.iso pointing to the latest version.

In the meantime here is the script Im currently using to save a few seconds and moments each time I want to update to latest 1.4-rolling :slight_smile:


# Include VyOS functions
source /opt/vyatta/etc/functions/script-template

# Script debugging
#set -x

# Set variables
read -p "Enter path to update-file: " URL

# Perform update
run add system image ${URL} vrf ${VRF}

Thanks to Jonathan Voss in the slack-channel for the input of fetching through api using curl and then figure out the url for the latest iso (but the actual file with datestring etc):


# Include VyOS functions
source /opt/vyatta/etc/functions/script-template

# Script debugging
#set -x

# Set variables and change vrf
#read -p "Enter path to update-file: " URL
URL=$(ip vrf exec ${VRF} curl -s "" | grep browser_download_url | head -n 1 | cut -d\" -f4)

# Perform update
run add system image ${URL} vrf ${VRF}

Modified to work without VRF, thanks a lot!


# Include VyOS functions
source /opt/vyatta/etc/functions/script-template

# Script debugging
#set -x

# Set variables and change vrf
URL=$(curl -s "" | grep browser_download_url | head -n 1 | cut -d\" -f4)

# Perform update
#run add system image ${URL}
printf '%s\n' "" "Yes" "Yes" | /opt/vyatta/bin/vyatta-op-cmd-wrapper add system image ${URL}

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