I want to build a module for the kernel and I need the header files.
Where can I download linux kernel header files from rolling(current) release? The latest current version has kernel version 6.6.64. But I can’t find it on https://dev.packages.vyos.net/.
You could create an VyOS rolling image with the kernel module enable, no? If that’s an option checkout out this thread:
Errors while builidng custom ISO for amd64 1.5 (current) .
In my comment there I gave a short explanation how I create a custom ISO with the rndis_host
kernel module enabled.
The headers are here: repositories/current/pool/main/l/linux-upstream • dev.packages.vyos.net
The headers are here Index of /repositories/current/pool/main/l/linux-upstream/
But I don’t think it will help you as modules and kernel are signed during build.
Not signed modules most likely will not work.
For example vyos-build/scripts/package-build/linux-kernel/build-accel-ppp.sh at c1f9fc6a6d387648e91a74a72b3488c42a6b897a · vyos/vyos-build · GitHub
So the option only rebuild kernel and sign modules that you want (in theory)