Load Balacing, Based Upon Wildcard URL

Hi All!

I’ve been really struggling with trying to use port 443 to route to two different boxes on the same WAN IP. I figured the best bet is the load balancer, yet the docs aren’t great, and I’m struggling.

I need all traffic to aaa.bbb.ccc to go server 1 and all traffic for ddd.bbb.ccc to go to another. I thought perhaps matching the domain name with * or regex would work, yet it won’t take those inputs.

Can anyone share some insight? I’ve been trying for a week now, and I’m stuck.

I really appreciate any assistance, I’ve searched all over and I cannot find a reference that is current and works.



Do you know the correct HAproxy config for your goal?

I don’t yet; that was my original idea, just to use an internal HA load balancing cluster. However, since I have considerable unused horsepower on my bare metal firewall box, I was thinking I’d just landing it there and I’m in the process of ordering another server to act as the redundant pair for firewalling. I haven’t researched failover, yet I assume it’s there, suppose you know…?

Are you suggesting doing it internally, or manually on the firewall?

