Macsec not working with cipher gcm-aes-256

Macsec working well with cipher gcm-aes-128.
But if I change the cipher to gcm-aes-256, the connection is not working anymore.

Macsec config:

  macsec macsec0 {
     mtu 1500
     security {
         cipher gcm-aes-128
         mka {
             cak ff9b7c30ddbc37f4c6bc9dc26ce65b42
             ckn 547ec2be513bfa4b1b14b6c1b45eae14eb73bc985aa93407895791e035d3b00d
     source-interface eth0

Do I make a general mistake in configuration?

This looks like a bug. Soon I will create bug report. I will write a number later.

I created a task for it. Macsec not working with cipher gcm-aes-256
Thanks for helping us find bugs.