New CLI Option Not Showing

I’m trying to get started with contributing to vyos. I am trying to add a new cli option, but it’s not appearing in config mode post-build. I’m sure it’s something simple/silly, but I’ve compared my work to other commits that accomplish similar things and I don’t see where I’m going wrong.

Any direction would be appreciated!

I’m working on issue T6734 - ⚓ T6734 Nginx - disable software version reporting
My commit: Comparing vyos:current...mwheeler1982:T6734 · vyos/vyos-1x · GitHub

What am I missing?

The changes look ok.

Did you build the packages with dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -tc -b in vyos-1x on your branch, then copy the packages to vyos-build/packages before building the image?

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I did not. I assumed that was handled in the build scripts.

Is that not the case?

vyos-build will build the image with packages from the public repo (the state of current) by default.

If you want to test your own changes, you need to build the necessary packages from vyos-1x yourself and copy them over to the vyos-build project.


Thank you so much! That resolved the issue. I appreciate the info!

@mwheeler after copying the resulting DEB file to your development router please note: If you change Python files, too - you need to restart systemctl restart vyos-configd as this daemon caches the Python files in the background.