No netflow data on mGRE/IPSec tunnel interface

I’ve configured netflow v.9 on VyOS 1.3.2 but I don’t see any traffic for mGRE interfaces tunnels with IPSec profile applied in “show flow-accounting interface tun210”, the table is empty. At the same time I can see traffic flow for static GRE tunnel (tun100) and ethernet interfaces.

Here is a fragment of my configuration:

set system flow-accounting enable-egress
set system flow-accounting interface 'eth0'
set system flow-accounting interface 'tun210'
set system flow-accounting interface 'eth1'
set system flow-accounting interface 'tun100'
set system flow-accounting netflow engine-id '200011'
set system flow-accounting netflow sampling-rate '20'
set system flow-accounting netflow server xxxxx.tld port 'xxxx'
set system flow-accounting netflow source-ip ''
set system flow-accounting netflow timeout expiry-interval '60'
set system flow-accounting netflow timeout max-active-life '1800'
set system flow-accounting netflow version '9'

Can you help to understand is it normal behaivor for such kind of interfaces (mGRE) or is it a bug?
If it is a normal one, please explain why.
Or maybe I have a mistake in the configuration.