Only 3 days left for the ascii contest!

Hello, VyOS Community!

Tick-tock! :hourglass_flowing_sand: The countdown is on – you’ve got a mere 3 days to dazzle us with your mind-bending ASCII artistry. This your golden ticket to incredible rewards!

Hurry and drop your ASCII artwork in our exclusive forum thread ASCII Artwork Submission! - Talks - VyOS Forums before the curtain falls on January 31st.

Hold tight because the winner, crowned by the number of ‘Likes,’ so rally behind your favorites.

:ballot_box: Make your voice heard! Support your favorite artists by casting your vote - click the ‘Heart’ icon to show support to the ASCII Artwork that catches your eye. You can vote early, but the official judgment phase takes place after the initial submission period, which spans from Feb 1st and Feb 15th.

Don’t miss this chance to make your in the ASCII Artwork contest!

Contest Details:

Cheers and good luck to all participants!