OpenVPN encryption cipher gets removed


if you have a configuration like

set interfaces openvpn vtun1 encryption cipher 'aes256'

There seems to be a bug in /opt/vyatta/etc/config-migrate/migrate/interfaces/2-to-3 which causes to remove the cipher option.

I’m starting a VM and configure it with cloud-init, but at boot the migration seems to run and remove it.
I’m using VyOS 1.3.3

You can reproduce the problem if you simply run migration:

/usr/libexec/vyos/ --force /config/config.boot

Comparing my configs:

$ diff -U3 /config/config.boot.2023-06-15-121659.pre-migration /config/config.boot
     openvpn vtun1 {
       description "Cloud Connector"
         encryption {
-            cipher aes256
+            cipher ""

Cipher get’s set to an empty string, which is a invalid configuration

Checking if cipher is an empty string could work. I’m using this to work around the problem:

--- /opt/vyatta/etc/config-migrate/migrate/interfaces/2-to-3.bak	2021-01-04 15:35:48.000000000 +0000
+++ /opt/vyatta/etc/config-migrate/migrate/interfaces/2-to-3	2023-06-15 12:31:51.254974540 +0000
@@ -31,10 +31,11 @@
         if config.exists(['interfaces', 'openvpn', intf, 'encryption']):
             # Get cipher used
             cipher = config.return_value(['interfaces', 'openvpn', intf, 'encryption'])
-            # Delete old syntax
-            config.delete(['interfaces', 'openvpn', intf, 'encryption'])
-            # Add new syntax to config
-            config.set(['interfaces', 'openvpn', intf, 'encryption', 'cipher'], value=cipher)
+            if cipher != "":
+              # Delete old syntax
+              config.delete(['interfaces', 'openvpn', intf, 'encryption'])
+              # Add new syntax to config
+              config.set(['interfaces', 'openvpn', intf, 'encryption', 'cipher'], value=cipher)
         with open(file_name, 'w') as f: