OSPFv3 Syntax broken on rolling release

The new syntax for area (1 vs, that works on OSPF, doesn’t work on OSPFv3

admin@route1# set protocols ospfv3 area 1234 interface eth0.20
admin@route1# commit
[ protocols ospfv3 ]
For this router-id change to take effect, save config and restart ospf6d

[ protocols ospfv3 area 1234 interface eth0.20 ]
% Unknown command: interface eth0.20 area 1234

[[protocols ospfv3]] failed
Commit failed

admin@route1# show protocols ospfv3
area 1234 {
+    interface eth0.20

admin@route1# delete protocols ospfv3 area 1234
admin@route1# set protocols ospfv3 area interface eth0.20
admin@route1# commit
[ protocols ospfv3 ]
For this router-id change to take effect, save config and restart ospf6d
