Policy route not work with group in VyOS 1.4.0-epa2?

Hello,I’m testing the combination of group and policy route on VyOS 1.4, but it doesn’t seem to work. The routes to and don’t to be going through the table as intended. Could you please advise on how to adjust this? Thank you.

set firewall group address-group TEST address ‘’
set firewall group network-group ip_list network ‘’

set policy route LIST interface ‘tun100’
set policy route LIST rule 11 destination group network-group ‘ip_list’
set policy route LIST rule 11 set table ‘11’
set policy route TEST interface ‘eth2’
set policy route TEST rule 12 destination group address-group ‘TEST’
set policy route TEST rule 12 set table ‘12’
set protocols static route next-hop X.X.X.X
set protocols static table 10 route next-hop
set protocols static table 11 route next-hop
set protocols static table 12 route next-hop

Welcome to the Vyos forums lychee!

It seems you really just want to do “routing” rather than policy routing - to get to destination X go this way. Policy routing in my mind is more about changing the next-hop based on source address.

Regardless of that though - are interfaces you have listed (tun100 & eth2) the ingress interfaces of the traffic you wish to reroute?

Hello @tjh

thank you for the quick reply!

Eth1 is my WAN port, and the default route will through X.X.X.X via Eth1.

However, I want to change the next hop based on the destination subnet, routing traffic through Eth2 and Tun100 to and, which are on another VyOS instance.