Problems with 'add system image'

Hello there, I’m using fresh install of 1.5-rolling-202401160024 and here’re my 2 problems.

  1. When trying to ‘add system image latest’ I’m getting an error:
Unable to get remote data Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
'bool' object is not subscriptable

Config snippet (as reccommended in documentation):

set system update-check url ''

No messages in logs, what can I do to troubleshoot it further?

  1. When trying to ‘add system image’ I get:
Redirecting to
The file is 445.000 MiB.
[##################################################################################################################################################] 100%
Validating signature
Signature is not valid. Do you want to continue with installation? [y/N]

Why signature is not valid? There’re minisig files for nigtly builds?

If both problems are bugs - I’ll file bug reports.

Thanks in advance!


URL incorrect
It must be JSON as in example

set system update-check url ‘

Thanks alot, @Viacheslav, now it looks good (I guess URL info should be corrected in documentation):

vyos@vyos:~$ add system image latest
Redirecting to
The file is 445.000 MiB.
[##################################################################################################################################################] 100%
Validating signature
Signature is not valid. Do you want to continue with installation? [y/N]

But the second issue (signature is not valid) still persists. Should I file bug report?


In the example the correct url

I configured according to Update VyOS — VyOS 1.5.x (circinus) documentation

Feel free to improve it and link to config.
The 1.5 has the same in “config” section.