QoS/QoE support in VyOS?

To me I would say documentation (well sort of :slight_smile:


Most of it is from linux kernel docs so it should be up2date and such.

However for a new user to QoS (which quickly can turn into a rabbithole) I would say to have a couple of examples along with WHY one method is better than the other.

Like a common use case of simple bandwidth throttling as another thread asking to throttle downloads from WAN to 20Mbps:

Which methods of shaper towards LAN, limiter towards WAN or rate-control towards WAN should be used or should they be used in combo?

But also tricks such as why priotizie ACK (or rather make sure they wont get dropped as in why RED/WRED is very bad for throughput) specially if you have an asymmetric link (more down than up).