Raspberry Pi build issue

I have been trying to build an image for Raspberry Pi 4B. I have used this github repo:
https://github.com/runborg/vyos-pi-builder/ with a few exceptions:

  • I tried using the official docker.
  • I had to change the build flavor to be ‘generic’ as ‘iso’ does not build.
  • I’ve also had to add the following to stop the build from failing.
    sudo apt update && apt install kpartx libgnutls28-dev uuid-dev -y

It seemed to build ok, I could get the img flashed onto the sdcard. But it didn’t complete booting. I got the following error messages:

  • Begin: Mounting root file system …
  • cat: can’t open ‘/sys/block/*/removable’: No such file or directory
  • (initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system

Would anyone know how to fix the build to make it produce an img that will work?


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