Recursive_copy_dir error in cfg-stdout.log on freshly install

I’m having some firewall issues which I can’t resolve. While digging deeper, I found that I’m getting errors in /var/log/vyatta/cfg-stdout.log which I think are related. Does anyone know what this could be?

The errors I get:

recursive_copy_dir failed due to boost::filesystem::copy_file: Invalid cross-device link: "/opt/vyatta/config/tmp/new_config_1566/system/time-zone/node.val", "/opt/vyatta/config/tmp/tmp_1566/work/system/time-zone/node.val" in copy_file. Falling back to internal stream_file
recursive_copy_dir failed due to boost::filesystem::copy_file: Invalid cross-device link: "/opt/vyatta/config/tmp/new_config_1566/system/syslog/global/facility/local7/level/node.val", "/opt/vyatta/config/tmp/tmp_1566/work/system/syslog/global/facility/local7/level/node.val" in copy_file. Falling back to internal stream_file
recursive_copy_dir failed due to boost::filesystem::copy_file: Invalid cross-device link: "/opt/vyatta/config/tmp/new_config_1566/system/syslog/global/facility/all/level/node.val", "/opt/vyatta/config/tmp/tmp_1566/work/system/syslog/global/facility/all/level/node.val" in copy_file. Falling back to internal stream_file
no tap[/opt/vyatta/config/tmp/tmp_1566/active]
recursive_copy_dir failed due to boost::filesystem::copy_file: Invalid cross-device link: "/opt/vyatta/config/tmp/new_config_1566/firewa
ll/name/FW_2LOCAL/default-action/node.val", "/opt/vyatta/config/tmp/tmp_1566/active/firewall/name/FW_2LOCAL/default-action/node.val" in 
copy_file. Falling back to internal stream_file

I have this both on my existing config (with extensive config), as well as on a fresh install of the latest release:

vyos@vyos:/var/log/vyatta$ show version
Version:          VyOS 1.4-rolling-202307120317
vyos@vyos:/opt/vyatta/config/active$ show version
Version:          VyOS 1.4-rolling-202307190317

Config for the fresh install:

vyos@vyos:/opt/vyatta/config/active$ show configuration commands
set interfaces loopback lo
set service ntp allow-client address ''
set service ntp allow-client address '::/0'
set service ntp server
set service ntp server
set service ntp server
set system config-management commit-revisions '100'
set system conntrack modules ftp
set system conntrack modules h323
set system conntrack modules nfs
set system conntrack modules pptp
set system conntrack modules sip
set system conntrack modules sqlnet
set system conntrack modules tftp
set system console device ttyS0 speed '115200'
set system host-name 'vyos'
set system login user vyos authentication encrypted-password ''
set system login user vyos authentication plaintext-password 'correcthorsestaplebattery'
set system syslog global facility all level 'info'

I can verify that I see this myself using VyOS 1.4-rolling-202307161346.

Quick googling on this topic seems like either that the filecopy through python tries to act on two different partitions (doesnt seem like that out of the blue) or that the permissions on the file(s) it tries to act on is incorrect:



These are ‘informational’ logging messages produced by a fix for kernels > 5.15. cf.

As mentioned in the commit message, we may want to drop logging of these messages.

Ok thanks! Good to know, then I can rule that out as source of my original error :slight_smile:

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