Roling release 2024-11-02 - Remote syslog not working anymore


I juste update to the latest rolling release this morning, the remote syslog is not working anymore.

The is the configuration:

vyos@shieldgate# show system syslog 
 global {
     facility all {
         level info
     facility local7 {
         level debug
 host {
     facility all {
         level all
     port 10513
     protocol tcp

And the syslog coniguration file:
vyos@shieldgate# cat /etc/rsyslog.d/00-vyos.conf

Autogenerated by

$ModLoad immark
$MarkMessagePeriod 1200

We always log to /var/log/messages

$outchannel global,/var/log/messages,262144,/usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/vyos-rsyslog
*.info;local7.debug :omfile:$global

Remote logging

It as working fine since end of september

Do you have a valid route towards

Does even listen on 10513/TCP?

Are any logs being produced in /var/log/messages and/or dmesg and/or journalctl -b -f ?

Yes it’s working fine if I add this to the syslog config (file: 00-vyos.conf):

Remote logging

. @@

Until the next reboot.

What happens if you remove the config, commit, and re-add the config.
Does it then apply the correct syslogging?

I’m just wondering if there’s a problem parsing the configuration on bootup.

I delete the syslog config and reenable it:

vyos@shieldgate# set system syslog global facility local7 level debug
vyos@shieldgate# set system syslog host
vyos@shieldgate# set system syslog host port 10513
vyos@shieldgate# set system syslog host protocol tcp
vyos@shieldgate# set system syslog host facility all level all
vyos@shieldgate# commit
vyos@shieldgate# cat /etc/rsyslog.d/00-vyos.conf

Autogenerated by

$ModLoad immark
$MarkMessagePeriod 1200

We always log to /var/log/messages

$outchannel global,/var/log/messages,262144,/usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/vyos-rsyslog
*.info;local7.debug :omfile:$global

Remote logging

The remote syslog is still missing….

Open a bug report on

Thanks for reporting this. Bug fixed in syslog: T6858: bugfix remote syslog using TCP by c-po · Pull Request #4185 · vyos/vyos-1x · GitHub

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Thanks for the fix, i will check that this weekend!!!

I just update to the latest version and remote syslog is working as expected.

Thanks again for the fix!