Search a way to load set commands over api


i search a way to load set commands over the api?
i don´t want so send hundreds of set commands, one single command.

or is only possible to load config files in the vyos config syntax?
then i have a way to convert the set commands in to the vyos config syntax and load it after converting this?

curl -k --location --request POST ‘https://vyos/config-file
–form data=‘{“op”: “load”, “file”: “/config/test.config”}’

quick test to load a config file with set commands not successfully

 load config3.boot
Loading configuration from 'config3.boot'

Migration script error: /opt/vyatta/etc/config-migrate/migrate/config-management/0-to-1: [Errno 1] failed to run command: ['/opt/vyatta/etc/config-migrate/migrate/config-management/0-to-1', '/tmp/tmpefdt4upe']
exit code: 1.

the only way that I know , is to use the cli to adapt to vyos-synstax (using compare) :

vyos@vyos# compare
+ bonding bond0 {
+     address ""
+     description "TEST  LAN"
+     hash-policy "layer2"
+     member {
+         interface "eth1"
+     }
+     mode "802.3ad"
+     vif 2 {
+         address ""
+         description "Management"
+     }
+     vif 3 {
+         address ""
+     }
+     vif 4 {
+         address ""
+     }
+ }