Set high-availability vrrp group vrid01 virtual address 'x.x.x.x/xx' dev xxx

  • Have you already found suitable implementations that can be integrated into VyOS?
    Can do this with set cluster group xxx but not with set high-availability vrrp group xxx
  • What are your ideas regarding the feature CLI?
    set high-availability vrrp group vrid01 virtual address ‘x.x.x.x/xx’ dev xxx
    set high-availability vrrp group vrid01 virtual address ‘x.x.x.x/xx/xxx’
  • What are your use cases for it?
    reduces the number of vrrp groups needed
    allows one to limit the vrrp multi-cast to 1 or 2 vlans instead of having it on all vlans if you need virtual ips on all vlans
    allows one to assign a virtual ip to localhost, this is useful in ospf or other dynamic routing protocols to allow routing to re-adjust when moving a floating ip around in the network.

current keepalived.conf snippet:
vrrp_instance vlan0002 {
state BACKUP
interface eth1.2
virtual_router_id 254
priority 254
advert_int 1

    preempt_delay 0
    virtual_ipaddress {


but make it
vrrp_instance vlan0002 {
state BACKUP
interface eth1.2
virtual_router_id 254
priority 254
advert_int 1

    preempt_delay 0
    virtual_ipaddress { dev lo


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