Show log tail broken

VyOS 1.4-rolling-202308111749 - this is the last release with sane firewall config so i refuse to upgrade :slight_smile:

show log - this works
vyos@vyos:~$ show log tail tail: cannot open '/var/log/messages' for reading: No such file or directory

i dont need to fix this since that would probably involve upgrading - what file actually holds the firewall logs since /var/log/messages doesnt exist?


There is an answer:
'/var/log/messages' No such file or directory
You can use “journalctl”

yes OBVIOUSLY /var/log/messages doesnt exist dude - i didnt ask whether the file existed and obviously its being logged somewhere if show log produces logs up to now

thanks for the quick ninja edit with journalctl.

also for anyone else finding the issue - can do show log 9999 and it will take you pretty close to the latest logs.

what about: “journalctl -b -f” ?

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