SNMP Support for IPv6 BGP Sessions


We are trying to monitor BGP sessions established on VyOS however response to queries returns only IPv4 BGP sessions and no IPv6 Sessions. I am running VyOS 999.201708220343.

/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c ‘XXXXXXXX’ -Oq -m BGP4-MIB -M /mibs udp: bgpPeerState

BGP4-MIB::bgpPeerState. established

There are 3 other IPv6 BGP peers that are missing from this response.

Thank you,


Maybe you need to submit this to

Thank you Syncer – I have done this.

Hi VyOS Community,

Does anyone know if querying for IPv6 BGP peers returns proper results on EdgeOS? If so, this may be useful to the VyOS developers so they wont have to re-invent the wheel.

Thank you,

@babak @syncer

Is there an update about that topic?
Can’t really find anything about that :frowning:

Are there any updates on SNMP Support for IPv6 BGP ?
As far as I see the ⚓ T1015 SNMP Support for IPv6 Routing Protocols (BGP/OSPFv3) - is closed, with reference to no support for OSPFv3, but what about SNMP for IPv6 BGP ?

I believe that this is the blocker: Replace BGP4-MIB snmp with something else that supports reporting of IPv6 peers · Issue #9020 · FRRouting/frr · GitHub