Something keeps adding offloads back to my interface, breaking my WAN

This is a major crisis. Offloads are broken on the most common NICs out there, the i21x and i22x devices. What keeps re-enabling offloads on VyOS? My configuration never added them, and something keeps adding them back in. I keep deleting them, and they keep coming back.

A lot of people have reported this issue.

Version:          VyOS 1.5-rolling-202408060021
Release train:    current
Release flavor:   generic

Built by:         [email protected]
Built on:         Tue 06 Aug 2024 02:50 UTC
Build UUID:       804c50de-8b8e-46d3-9c21-05fcb46600c6
Build commit ID:  4cec5e2d52ca57

Architecture:     x86_64
Boot via:         installed image
System type:      bare metal

Hardware vendor:  HP
Hardware model:   HP EliteDesk 800 G5 Desktop Mini

Copyright:        VyOS maintainers and contributors

Agree that lot of people had reported this issue.
Feel free to test newer image, since some patches were introduced recently.
Task: ⚓ T6716 Offload settings are being automatically updated to reflect kernel settings

Just a heads up - I went ahead and updated, rebooted, and I see that the offloads came back:

$ ssh [email protected]
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vyos@vyos:~$ show configuration commands | grep offload
set interfaces ethernet eth2 offload gro

This is just after update?
Can you remove offloads, commit, save, and reboot in the latest version?

That is what I did - I removed offloads, committed, saved, added the new system image, said yes to copying the config, and rebooted into the latest version.

Here is the complete bash history showing exactly what I did:

(.venv) ~/Documents/appmana $ ssh [email protected]
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   . VyOS 1.5-rolling-202408060021
   └ ──┘  current

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Last login: Wed Sep 25 00:42:44 2024 from appmana-001
vyos@vyos:~$ show configuration commands | grep gso
set interfaces ethernet eth0 offload gso
vyos@vyos:~$ configure
vyos@vyos# delete set interfaces ethernet eth0 offload

  Configuration path: [set] is not valid
  Delete failed

vyos@vyos# delete interfaces ethernet eth0 offload
vyos@vyos# commit
vyos@vyos# show configuration commands | grep gso

  Configuration path: [configuration] is not valid
  Show failed

vyos@vyos# save
vyos@vyos# exit
vyos@vyos:~$ show version
Version:          VyOS 1.5-rolling-202408060021
Release train:    current
Release flavor:   generic

Built by:         [email protected]
Built on:         Tue 06 Aug 2024 02:50 UTC
Build UUID:       804c50de-8b8e-46d3-9c21-05fcb46600c6
Build commit ID:  4cec5e2d52ca57

Architecture:     x86_64
Boot via:         installed image
System type:      bare metal

Hardware vendor:  HP
Hardware model:   HP EliteDesk 800 G5 Desktop Mini
Hardware S/N:     MXL95025NY
Hardware UUID:    800b5dc3-e6c8-ba65-0bcb-dc6bfdfbccb2

Copyright:        VyOS maintainers and contributors
vyos@vyos:~$ add system image
Redirecting to
The file is 466.000 MiB.
[#########################################################################################################] 100%
Validating signature
Signature is valid
Validating image compatibility
Validating image checksums
What would you like to name this image? (Default: 1.5-rolling-202409250007)
Would you like to set the new image as the default one for boot? [Y/n] Y
An active configuration was found. Would you like to copy it to the new image? [Y/n] Y
Copying configuration directory
Would you like to copy SSH host keys? [Y/n] Y
Copying SSH host keys
Copying system image files
Cleaning up
Unmounting target filesystems
Removing temporary files
vyos@vyos:~$ reboot
Are you sure you want to reboot this system (vyos)? [y/N] y

Broadcast message from root@debian on pts/1 (Thu 2024-09-26 18:42:22 UTC):

The system will reboot now!

Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.
sh: C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe: Error 0xffffffff
(.venv) ~/Documents/appmana $ ssh [email protected]
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
(.venv) ~/Documents/appmana $ ssh [email protected]
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
(.venv) ~/Documents/appmana $ ssh [email protected]
Welcome to VyOS!

   ┌── ┐
   . VyOS 1.5-rolling-202409250007
   └ ──┘  current

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\vyos@vyos:~$ show configuration commands | grep offload
set interfaces ethernet eth2 offload gro
vyos@vyos:~$ configure
vyos@vyos# delete interfaces ethernet eth2 offload

Observe that the interface that had offload enabled changed. So I am convinced there is still something that is adding offloads back in.

But once the upgrade has finished and you are running the latest image, please:

  • Remove offloads (yes, once again, I know)
  • Commit
  • Save
  • Reboot

I tested this on bare metal installation on Monday, and worked. Let me know

Looks good!

$ ssh [email protected]
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   └ ──┘  current

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You can change this banner using "set system login banner post-login" command.

VyOS is a free software distribution that includes multiple components,
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Last login: Thu Sep 26 18:50:43 2024 from appmana-001
vyos@vyos:~$ reboot
Are you sure you want to reboot this system (vyos)? [y/N] y

Broadcast message from root@debian on pts/1 (Thu 2024-09-26 19:07:05 UTC):

The system will reboot now!

Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.
sh: C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe: Error 0xffffffff
(.venv) ~/Documents/appmana $ ssh [email protected]
(.venv) ~/Documents/appmana $ ssh [email protected]
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
(.venv) ~/Documents/appmana $ ssh [email protected]
Welcome to VyOS!

   ┌── ┐
   . VyOS 1.5-rolling-202409250007
   └ ──┘  current

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You can change this banner using "set system login banner post-login" command.

VyOS is a free software distribution that includes multiple components,
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Last login: Thu Sep 26 19:06:59 2024 from appmana-001
vyos@vyos:~$ show configuration commands | grep offload

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