Together We Thrive: Reflecting on 2023, Embracing 2024

Hello Community Members!

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Time seems to have flown by, and it’s astounding to think how quickly this year has passed since I joined VyOS. I am profoundly grateful for the privilege of working with such an intelligent and talented team. Additionally, I am immensely thankful for overseeing a community with bright and skilled professionals who are generously will to help each other.

As we bid farewell to 2023 and step into the promising realm of 2024, the VyOS team wishes to express our deepest gratitude to all of you. Looking back on the year that has gone by, we hope your holiday season is filled with warmth, joy, and cherished moments shared with your loved ones. Your support has been the cornerstone of VyOS’s journey, and we are profoundly grateful for your dedication.

In this vibrant community, all of you shine like a ROCK STAR! Your contributions, discussions, and support have transformed this space into an extraordinary hub for VyOS enthusiasts. Your passion and engagement continually shape VyOS, making it an exceptional community for exchange, feedback, and camaraderie.

We often emphasize this truth because it’s undeniable: VyOS owes its success to ALL OF YOU! Together, we’ve crafted an incredible environment where knowledge thrives and connections flourish.

2023 marked a phenomenal year for VyOS, and we sincerely hope it brought you moments of triumph and fulfillment. As we embark on the new year, may 2024 unfold with boundless possibilities, good health, and new beginnings for each of you.

Don’t forget! The ASCII Art Contest (VyOS ASCII Art Contest Alert!) ends on January 31, 2024. Remember to submit your entries here ASCII Artwork Submission! - Talks - VyOS Forums, please click on the “heart” icon if you like the artwork. :gift:

Once again, we extend our deepest gratitude for your support and we are excited to continue this remarkable journey together.


Warm regards,
The VyOS Team