Troubleshooting Intel NICs: Try this option for 700-series (X710)

Just saw this video which can be something to try when troubleshooting Intel NICs:

Turn off this option if you have 10Gbit Intel NIC

The “disable-fw-lldp” flag should be set to “on” (enabled) using ethtool.

You can find out current setting using:

ethtool --show-priv-flags

Also mentioned as source in the video:

I have the following in my /config/scripts/vyos-preconfig-bootup.script to make the XL710 card behave:

for f in /sys/class/net/*; do
    dev=$(basename $f)
    driver=$(readlink $f/device/driver/module)
    if [[ -n $driver ]] && [[ x"$(basename $driver)" -eq x"i40e" ]]; then
        ethtool --set-priv-flags $dev disable-source-pruning on
        ethtool --set-priv-flags $dev disable-fw-lldp on
        ethtool -C $dev adaptive-rx off adaptive-tx off

disable-source-pruning makes VRRP working again
disable-fw-lldp makes sure LLDP behaves
adaptive-rx off adaptive-tx off Can’t remember why I did this…

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