Unofficial forum?

Quote from a recently locked thread:

Does any such unofficial forum already exist?

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Not that I know of, more of a this is my house and my rules statement than anything else, unless I am mistaken.

They might allow such discussions on

Them might or might not allow such discussion, we don’t know really:

„This is official subreddit for VyOS, extensible network os platform with advanced network capabilities”

I mean unofficial, free (as in freedom of speech) for anyone to discuss building from source with no fear of censorhip.

See the 4 essential freedoms, even with subscription its only freedom 0 but no freedoms 1-3.

GNU have their own issues with the whole hostile attempt of taking over Libreboot that failed etc.

But what would an “unofficial” forum discuss that isnt already being discussed at the “official” forum?

Hello, I’m back after being away for a while. The reason why I asked about an unofficial forum should probably be clear by now… some “inconvenient” threads like this one are hidden now, I don’t like this and I don’t think you like this either. In the past they also threatened with GitHub takedown requests, so it would be good if all this useful info could live somewhere else.

No big problem for me to host a public mirror or something, however I feel a bit nervous about hosting a public Jenkins (don’t know it well enough to be sure I can secure it properly, and it’s a big thing in Java which raises some red flags). Another dependency that I think would be good to remove is the vyos-1x container, as I understand it is still provided by the official project - that’s why I’d prefer to do a native build which depends on nothing except Debian itself (which I trust more to not do evil things).

If there is something I can help with, email me at marekm at amelek dot net - thanks!

You refused to participate in the project like everybody else does, but for some strange reason, you think you can use our resources to promote your activities, but that is not the case.
Make your forum, and you can cast your rules there because here, it will not happen; it is very simple; we have zero interest in what you do because it’s not a benefits project.
You guys had your five minutes of fame. Now it’s time to go.