Login, enter config mode, load configuration, and commit:
vyos@vyos:~$ config
WARNING: There was a config error on boot: saving the configuration now could overwrite data.
You may want to check and reload the boot config
vyos@vyos# load
Loading configuration from 'config.boot'
Load complete. Use 'commit' to make changes effective.
vyos@vyos# commit
[ firewall ipv6 name WAN-LOCAL-6 rule 10 icmpv6 type-name router-advertisement ]
[ firewall ipv6 name WAN-LOCAL-6 rule 10 icmpv6 type-name router-advertisement ]
Invalid value
[[firewall]] failed
Commit failed
Fix such which fails (use tab completion help in order to use correct type-name). For example:
set firewall ipv6 name WAN-LOCAL-6 rule 10 icmpv6 type-name nd-router-advert
Different errors, for other rules that has icmpv6, are expected. So you’ll need to fix one by one until commit doesn’t fail.
From our side, I’ll check migration script in order to check all possible icmp and icmpv6 options in both versions, and avoid these errors!
Sorry for the inconvenience
Let me know if you’d like me to file a bug over on the tracker, I was going to the other day when i put this in but had to wait for my account to get approved.