Upgrade from 1.3 to 1.4 fails on ntp config

My 1.3 /config/config.boot has this in the system block:

    ntp {
        server time1.google.com
        server time2.google.com
        server time3.google.com
        server time.example.com {
            prefer {

On upgrade to a 1.4, config migration breaks, leaving this error in /tmp/boot-config-trace:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/libexec/vyos/vyos-boot-config-loader.py", line 141, in <module>
    load_out = session.load_config(file_name)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/vyos/configsession.py", line 200, in load_config
    out = self.__run_command(LOAD_CONFIG + [file_path])
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/vyos/configsession.py", line 143, in __run_command
    raise ConfigSessionError(output)
vyos.configsession.ConfigSessionError: Invalid config file (syntax error): error at line 318, text [.]
Failed to parse specified config file

Line 318 in the new /config/config.boot is in the middle of the ntp block in service:

   312      ntp {                               
   313          allow-client {          
   314              address ""
   315              address "::/0"         
   316          }                      
   317          server {                   
   318              time.example.com {
   319                  prefer                  
   320              }
   321          } 
   322      }

I found that if I go back to 1.3 and remove and re-add the server with prefer, I get a slightly different config.boot without the empty { } after prefer. And this config correctly migrates to 1.4.

The similar tasks T5611 and T5947