am reading docs to understand howto setup vlans but I am confused by reading from forums, considering running vyos 1.4. I will have 2 nics eth0 and eth1. eth0 is WAN and eth1 is LAN.
I want to pass 9 tagged vlans and one untagged on eth1. Do I need to make vlan aware bridges for each vlan to make this work with inter-vlan communication over eth1?
Also where would I put the firewall rules like for example blocking all RFC1918 communication except for ssh on each vlan?
Source of my confusion:
This topic says to use bridges
Base on you requirement, I think you can use vlan aware bridge.
Sample configuration would be
set interfaces bridge br0 description 'LAN'
set interfaces bridge br0 enable-vlan
set interfaces bridge br0 member interface eth1 allowed-vlan '2-10
set interfaces bridge br0 member interface eth1 native-vlan '1'
set interfaces bridge br0 vif X address ''
set interfaces bridge br0 vif X description 'VLANX'
As for the firewall configuration, it depends on what exact version you are using. Starting from VyOS 1.4-rolling-202308040557 there is a new firewall structure.
well I do not think I need a bridge I was just confused by the post about bridges which I linked and thought you had to use bridges…
Yes I have a managed switch which I will use.
Have gotten inter vlan communication to work by using.
set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 2 address
set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 3 address
Now I am trying to get default block to work, but so far unsuccessful.
Rule 10 is ignored or never happens =/
- set firewall ipv4 name VLAN_DEFAULT description 'Default Firewall Rules for from VLANS'
- set firewall ipv4 name VLAN_DEFAULT default-action return
- set firewall ipv4 name VLAN_DEFAULT enable-default-log
# Do not allow Inter VLAN
- set firewall ipv4 name VLAN_DFAULT rule 10 action 'drop'
- set firewall ipv4 name VLAN_DFAULT rule 10 destination group network-group RFC1918
- set firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 50 inbound-interface interface-name eth1.*
- set firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 50 action jump
- set firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 50 jump-target VLAN_DEFAULT