Vpn l2tp radius NAS-IP-Address attribute

How can i turn on sending NAS-IP-Address attribute for vpn l2tp radius authentication?
That quite obvious option seems absent for l2tp, while accel-pppd can definitely do that if i add nas-ip-address to [radius] section of /run/accel-pppd/l2tp.conf and kill -USR1 accel-pppd pid. But this change is not permanent unfortunately.

Thank you,

Hi @aserkin , have you tried this via /usr/share/accel-ppp/radius/ how this described here: L2TP — VyOS 1.3.x (equuleus) documentation

Not sure what exactly to try from the page you refer to. The attribute NAS-IP-Address is defined in dictionary.rfc2865/dictionary.rfc2866 but it’s not included in Access/Accounting request if not set in [radius] section of accel-pppd configuration.

Ok while its impossible to configure nas ip address for l2tp i just entered it to

default_config_data = (

‘radius_nas_ip’: ‘’

and rebooted the host. Now i have nas-ip-addres= in [radius] section of accel-ppp config.

not a good solution, but it works until next upgrade…