VRRP state triggers and vyatta-cfg-cmd-wrapper

So I am using

set high-availability vrrp group vrrp transition-script backup ‘/config/scripts/vrrp-states.sh BACKUP’
set high-availability vrrp group vrrp transition-script fault ‘/config/scripts/vrrp-states.sh BACKUP’
set high-availability vrrp group vrrp transition-script master ‘/config/scripts/vrrp-states.sh MASTER’
set high-availability vrrp group vrrp transition-script stop ‘/config/scripts/vrrp-states.sh BACKUP’

And in this script I use /opt/vyatta/sbin/vyatta-cfg-cmd-wrapper to modify the configuration.

But this messes up the file permissions of /opt/vyatta/config/active/*
It changes the owner to root and the configuration of whole vyos will be unmodifiable after this.
Because the transition-script is probably ran as root.
So I also include:

sudo chown -R vyos:vyattacfg /opt/vyatta/config/active/

in the end of the script to fix the rights.

I also tried running vyatta-cfg-cmd-wrapper as vyos with sudo and su (to avoid messing up the file rights), but this produced errors like:

Sorry, user vyos is not allowed to execute ‘/bin/vbash -c /opt/vyatta/sbin/vyatta-cfg-cmd-wrapper begin’ as vyos on

Any ideas how to solve this more elegantly?

You have to execute it from the group vyattacfg Command Scripting — VyOS 1.4.x (sagitta) documentation

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Hey @Viacheslav!
Thank you very much for the pointer!

My final solution was a script something like this:

#defining anything from args MUST be before sourcing script-template, otherwise it overwrites $1

if [ “$(id -g -n)” != ‘vyattacfg’ ] ; then
exec sg vyattacfg -c “/bin/vbash $(readlink -f $0) $@”

source /opt/vyatta/etc/functions/script-template

if [ “$STATE” == “MASTER” ]; then
elif [ “$STATE” == “BACKUP” ]; then
#other actions

Although it would be cool, if eventually the scripts started from vrrp transitions would be ran as vyos (vyattacfg) by default. :slight_smile:


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