VRRPv3 supportability and questions?

Does vyos supports vrrpv3? I don’t see any guide in the documentation.

Is my understanding correct that if the neighbor device only supports vrrpv3, it will work with a device that does vrrpv2 only as long as they are forming IPV4 sessions only?

I am trying to form TNSR and VYOS VRRP and TNSR uses VRRPv3 . Sessions are not forming. Both declare themselves as master.

As per checking, VYOS doesn’t send out hello to multicast address but I can see the hello from TNSR when I am running tcpdump on VYOS.

This is my config

set high-availability vrrp group 10 vrid 10
set high-availability vrrp group 10 address x.x.x.x interface eth3.600
set high-availability vrrp group 10 priority 90
set high-availability vrrp group 10 interface eth3.600

Am I missing something?

Yes it does for IPv6. It does come with some quirks like you need to make sure the LL address is the first address in the list and you need to enable RFC3768-compatibility.

I made this work with a Junos device.

Thank you for your response. I’ve updated my question. Could you help me?

VyOS uses keepalived for VRRP, keepalived uses VRRP version 2 for IPv4 addresses and uses version 3 if IPv6 addresses are used for VRRP.

There is (yet) no way to force version 3 for VRRP when using IPv4 addresses.

Created ⚓ T5315 vrrp: add support for version 3

Thanks for that. However part of your response hasn’t answered my question. Why is that VyOS doesn’t send out hello to multicast address as I run tcpdump?

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