VXLAN source-interface not working in VYOS 1.3

Hello ,

I am trying to make a VXLAN tunnel over the VYOS devices using VyOS 1.3-rolling-202006010117 image but am not succeeding in that as the following below error is coming.

[ interfaces vxlan vxlan0 ]
WARNING: RFC7348 recommends VXLAN tunnels preserve a 1500 byte MTU
VyOS had an issue completing a command.

We are sorry that you encountered a problem while using VyOS.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/libexec/vyos/conf_mode/interfaces-vxlan.py”, line 300, in
File “/usr/libexec/vyos/conf_mode/interfaces-vxlan.py”, line 245, in apply
v = VXLANIf(vxlan[‘intf’], **conf)
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/vyos/ifconfig/interface.py”, line 221, in init
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/vyos/ifconfig/vxlan.py”, line 95, in _create
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/vyos/ifconfig/control.py”, line 48, in _cmd
return cmd(command, self.debug)
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/vyos/util.py”, line 178, in cmd
raise OSError(code, feedback)
PermissionError: [Errno 1] failed to run command: ip link add vxlan0 type vxlan remote src_interface eth3 id 1 dstport 8472
exit code: 1

cmd ‘ip link add vxlan0 type vxlan remote src_interface eth3 id 1 dstport 8472’
returned (out):

returned (err):
vxlan: unknown command “src_interface”?
Usage: … vxlan id VNI
[ { group | remote } IP_ADDRESS ]
[ local ADDR ]
[ ttl TTL ]
[ tos TOS ]
[ flowlabel LABEL ]
[ dev PHYS_DEV ]
[ dstport PORT ]
[ srcport MIN MAX ]
[ [no]learning ]
[ [no]proxy ]
[ [no]rsc ]
[ [no]l2miss ]
[ [no]l3miss ]
[ ageing SECONDS ]
[ maxaddress NUMBER ]
[ [no]udpcsum ]
[ [no]udp6zerocsumtx ]
[ [no]udp6zerocsumrx ]
[ [no]remcsumtx ] [ [no]remcsumrx ]
[ [no]external ] [ gbp ] [ gpe ]

Where: VNI := 0-16777215
ADDR := { IP_ADDRESS | any }
TOS := { NUMBER | inherit }
TTL := { 1…255 | auto | inherit }
LABEL := 0-1048575

[[interfaces vxlan vxlan0]] failed
Commit failed

So is it problem in the VYOS code or somewhere else ?
Because I tried to look for solution online but no luck.

@Tripti16 Can you try the latest rolling?

Hello sir,

I tried it on VyOS Community
It’s working now. The above issue is not coming.
Was there some fix done ? Because earlier it wasn’t working.

5 days ago was last commit related to vxlan

Ok thankyou so much for the help.

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