VyOS 1.2.0RC11. High software interrupt load with low traffic


High software interrupt load with low traffic.

%Cpu(s): 0.1 us, 0.0 sy, 0.0 ni, 74.4 id, 0.1 wa, 0.0 hi, 25.4 si, 0.0 st

Router passes less than 1 Gbps. CPU Intel E31220 3.10GHz, network Intel 82599ES.

cat /proc/interrupts 
           CPU0       CPU1       CPU2       CPU3       
  0:          6          0          0          0   IO-APIC   2-edge      timer
  1:          0          8          0          0   IO-APIC   1-edge      i8042
  4:          0         19          0          0   IO-APIC   4-edge      ttyS0
  8:          0          0          1          0   IO-APIC   8-edge      rtc0
  9:          0          0          0          0   IO-APIC   9-fasteoi   acpi
 12:          9          0          0          0   IO-APIC  12-edge      i8042
 16:          0          0         66          0   IO-APIC  16-fasteoi   ehci_hcd:usb1
 18:          0          0          0          0   IO-APIC  18-fasteoi   i801_smbus
 23:          0          0          0         30   IO-APIC  23-fasteoi   ehci_hcd:usb2
 24:          0          0          0      41344   PCI-MSI 512000-edge      ahci[0000:00:1f.2]
 36:  932930925          0          1          0   PCI-MSI 1050624-edge      eth2-TxRx-0
 37:          0  860083798          0          1   PCI-MSI 1050625-edge      eth2-TxRx-1
 38:          1          0  856861005          0   PCI-MSI 1050626-edge      eth2-TxRx-2
 39:          0          1          0  845176337   PCI-MSI 1050627-edge      eth2-TxRx-3
 40:          0          0      11480          0   PCI-MSI 1050628-edge      eth2
NMI:          0          0          0          0   Non-maskable interrupts
LOC:    6747264    8559704    6703691    7071717   Local timer interrupts
SPU:          0          0          0          0   Spurious interrupts
PMI:          0          0          0          0   Performance monitoring interrupts
IWI:         36         95         22        102   IRQ work interrupts
RTR:          2          0          0          0   APIC ICR read retries
RES:    2134540    1929130    1922021    1923403   Rescheduling interrupts
CAL:       1689       2126       1799       2110   Function call interrupts
TLB:        180        184        196        190   TLB shootdowns
TRM:          0          0          0          0   Thermal event interrupts
THR:          0          0          0          0   Threshold APIC interrupts
DFR:          0          0          0          0   Deferred Error APIC interrupts
MCE:          0          0          0          0   Machine check exceptions
MCP:        531        532        532        532   Machine check polls
HYP:          0          0          0          0   Hypervisor callback interrupts
HRE:          0          0          0          0   Hyper-V reenlightenment interrupts
HVS:          0          0          0          0   Hyper-V stimer0 interrupts
ERR:          0
MIS:          0
PIN:          0          0          0          0   Posted-interrupt notification event
NPI:          0          0          0          0   Nested posted-interrupt event
PIW:          0          0          0          0   Posted-interrupt wakeup event

How to find the cause of the problem?

How to install perf tools on VyOS?