VYOS 1.4: How to change 443 with firewall so it isn't open to the internet

Hello all!

I am having a heck of a time configuring the firewall to work how I want it to work on my network. I thought everything was good until, I discovered that all of my internally hosted services are available to the internet.

It is a really simple setup.
Internet → Router → Vyos → Network of Web Services

The only services that should be available to the internet are…
VPN over 1194 to vyos
SSH over 12131 pointed to X.X.8.51
SLDAP over 6363 pointed to X.X.20
443 pointed to X.X.8.30
ICMP to vyos

When I take a look at the firewall settings (shown below), it’s pretty simple and looks like it should do what i want (all 443 traffic from outside the network to be forwarded to X.X.8.30)

At X.X.8.30 I have an nginx server that does reverse proxying, but only to two of the services. (there is a dozen or so). And all I’m saying here, is if web traffic comes in over 443, it should only be able to route to those two services. Not my other servers.

Having said that, it seems that it’s only websites on a particular domain. I have 3 domain names that point back to this centralized server.

What am I missing?

Here is a dump of the firewall.

show firewall ipv4
Rulesets ipv4 Information

ipv4 Firewall "forward filter"

Rule     Action    Protocol      Packets     Bytes  Conditions
-------  --------  ----------  ---------  --------  --------------------------------------------
5        jump      all             16306  12991881  iifname "eth0"  jump NAME_OUTSIDE-TO-NETWORK
default  accept    all             13735   3927755

ipv4 Firewall "input filter"

Rule     Action    Protocol      Packets    Bytes  Conditions
-------  --------  ----------  ---------  -------  -----------------------------------------
5        jump      all               378    64291  iifname "eth0"  jump NAME_OUTSIDE-TO-VYOS
default  accept    all              1408   125853

ipv4 Firewall "name OUTSIDE-TO-NETWORK"

Rule     Action    Protocol      Packets     Bytes  Conditions
-------  --------  ----------  ---------  --------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10       accept    all             16300  12991513  ct state { established, related }  accept
11       accept    tcp                 6       368  ct state new ip daddr X.X.8.30 tcp dport 443  accept
13       accept    tcp                 0         0  ct state new ip daddr X.X.8.20 tcp dport 6363  accept
30       drop      tcp                 0         0  ct state new ip daddr X.X.8.51 tcp dport 22 add @RECENT_NAM_OUTSIDE-TO-NETWORK_30 { ip saddr limit rate over 4/minute burst 4 packets }
31       accept    tcp                 0         0  ct state new ip daddr X.X.8.51 tcp dport 22  accept
default  drop      all                 0         0

ipv4 Firewall "name OUTSIDE-TO-VYOS"

Rule     Action    Protocol      Packets    Bytes  Conditions
-------  --------  ----------  ---------  -------  ----------------------------------------------------------
5        drop      tcp_udp             0        0  ct state new meta l4proto { tcp, udp } th dport 53
6        drop      tcp_udp             0        0  ct state established meta l4proto { tcp, udp } th dport 53
7        drop      tcp_udp             0        0  ct state related meta l4proto { tcp, udp } th dport 53
10       accept    all               300    59753  ct state { established, related }  accept
20       accept    icmp                0        0  ct state new icmp type echo-request  accept
21       accept    udp                 0        0  udp dport 1194  accept
default  drop      all                78     4538

Here is the firewall

firewall {
    global-options {
        all-ping "enable"
        broadcast-ping "disable"
        ip-src-route "disable"
        ipv6-receive-redirects "disable"
        ipv6-src-route "disable"
        log-martians "enable"
        receive-redirects "disable"
        send-redirects "enable"
        source-validation "disable"
        state-policy {
            related {
                action "accept"
        syn-cookies "enable"
        twa-hazards-protection "disable"
    ipv4 {
        forward {
            filter {
                default-action "accept"
                rule 5 {
                    action "jump"
                    inbound-interface {
                        name "eth0"
                    jump-target "OUTSIDE-TO-NETWORK"
        input {
            filter {
                default-action "accept"
                rule 5 {
                    action "jump"
                    inbound-interface {
                        name "eth0"
                    jump-target "OUTSIDE-TO-VYOS"
        name OUTSIDE-TO-NETWORK {
            default-action "drop"
            rule 10 {
                action "accept"
                state "established"
                state "related"
            rule 11 {
                action "accept"
                destination {
                    address ""
                    port "443"
                protocol "tcp"
                state "new"
            rule 13 {
                action "accept"
                destination {
                    address ""
                    port "6363"
                protocol "tcp"
                state "new"
            rule 30 {
                action "drop"
                destination {
                    address ""
                    port "22"
                protocol "tcp"
                recent {
                    count "4"
                    time "minute"
                state "new"
            rule 31 {
                action "accept"
                destination {
                    address ""
                    port "22"
                protocol "tcp"
                state "new"
        name OUTSIDE-TO-VYOS {
            default-action "drop"
            rule 5 {
                action "drop"
                destination {
                    port "53"
                protocol "tcp_udp"
                state "new"
            rule 6 {
                action "drop"
                destination {
                    port "53"
                protocol "tcp_udp"
                state "established"
            rule 7 {
                action "drop"
                destination {
                    port "53"
                protocol "tcp_udp"
                state "related"
            rule 10 {
                action "accept"
                state "established"
                state "related"
            rule 20 {
                action "accept"
                icmp {
                    type-name "echo-request"
                protocol "icmp"
                state "new"
            rule 21 {
                action "accept"
                destination {
                    port "1194"
                protocol "udp"

Here is the nat section.

nat {
    destination {
        rule 10 {
            description "HTTPS->Hosting"
            destination {
                port "443"
            inbound-interface {
                name "eth0"
            protocol "tcp"
            translation {
                address ""
        rule 12 {
            description "SSH->Bastion"
            destination {
                port "12131"
            inbound-interface {
                name "eth0"
            protocol "tcp"
            translation {
                address ""
                port "22"
        rule 13 {
            description "External LDAP"
            destination {
                port "6363"
            inbound-interface {
                name "eth0"
            protocol "tcp"
            translation {
                address ""
                port "636"

Hello leadership, Welcome to the Vyos forums.

Your rules look good to me, you’re only allowing access to on Port 443.

Are you sure that doesn’t have an incorrect proxy setup and that it’s what’s exposing “everything?”

You don’t really clearly state what you mean by “all your internally hosted services are available” - Do you have other hosts in the 192.168.8.x subnet that are available from the Internet?

I especially think it’s a proxy misconfiguration when you mention it’s only some DNS hosts - Vyos doesn’t have a way to look into the SSL to see the SNI information.

If you could share a bit more what you mean by your other hosts are accessible - are they hosts not on

Also finally it always helps to share the version of Vyos you’re using :slight_smile:

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DING DING! Wow… thank you very much. This was absolultely it. I now have discovered how dangerous a not-“fully” configured nginx reverse proxy server is. By default, if you don’t p ut a “default_server” if it doesn’t find an entry… it’ll just choose one. So it happened to choose a server where it was “correct”.

No fault found :joy:

Glad you found and fixed it!