Vyos-build build_type "stream" vs "development"

Hey, I’m on my journey to setup a custom build using the somewhat fresh “vyos-build” repo. Going along the available options, I came across the “build_type”, which can be set to “development” (default), “release” and “stream”. As far as I figured “stream” is supposed to contain stable changes from development, which are definetly going into the upcoming LTS. Still I don’t find any resources about what features to expect in those builds. All I can find is complaints about the unavailability of stream images, even though seemingly building them is possible. Can someone shed some light on this? I’d probably need the development version due to some IPv6 features only present there. But if stream provides everything I need already, there is no need to live on the bleeding edge.

Best regards :slight_smile:

We have not yet published a stream image. We are on the finishing line putting all bits and pieces together.


While that’s great to hear, it doesn’t answer my question at all :sweat_smile:

The build option is already there. If I use it, will it build an actual stream image, even though I have no subscription so far, or will it just build a rolling release with “stream” as build_type?
If it actually builds a stream image, what features will be missing compared to the rolling (development) one? And if it actually builds a stream image, will that continue to work for users without subscription, or will that option be removed as soon as stream is officially published?

I understand some of these questions potentially can’t be answered clearly yet, but especially the last one is of most importance, as I’d like to decide now which variant I’ll put my bets on and stick to that choice.

Is there really no one that can shed the tiniest bit of light on this? :grimacing: