VyOS for AWS VPC Site to Site Connection

I have a home lab that I’m looking to extend into an Amazon VPC that I’m building. At present I use an Untangle device as my firewall/router with embedded OpenVPN to get into my network from the road. Now that I want to extend my network into my VPC it seems that one of the better approaches would be to deploy VyOS at the edge of my home network to do so. While I am comfortable with networking basics and have no problem with command line interfaces, I’m a bit overwhelmed at the moment.

Can someone point me in the right direction to help me figure out how to attack this problem? I’m spinning my wheels.

Amazon has pre-generated configurations on their portal when you set up a VPC for Vyatta, which you can use for VyOS as well.

You could also refer to the following guide, which includes an example configuration: GitHub - robgil/vyos-vpc: VyOS example for connecting and routing from VyOS to AWS VPC

Thank you very much. I decided to experiment with the VyOS AMI and am now using it as a NAT instance. I don’t need the power or additional cost of an AWS NAT gateway at the time. Now that I have that software appliance in place I will likely use it instead of an AWS hardware VPN connection to connect to my home network. In a perfect world I will be able to get the VyOS-Untangle IPSec configuration working. I’d like to avoid adding another piece of hardware to the routing chain. This has been a really interesting journey.