VyOS Hairpin nat

Hello everyone Sorry for my English.
There was such a problem, I had to move the mail server to the local network. The problem is that I can’t access an external IP address on port 25 from my subnet. It seems to have set up Hairpin correctly, but I can’t figure out why it doesn’t work.

admin@vyos# show nat destination rule 110
description Hairpin_SMTP_25_Port
destination {
address WAN_IP
port 25
inbound-interface eth0.302
protocol tcp
translation {
port 25
admin@vyos# show nat source rule 110
destination {
port 25
outbound-interface eth0.302
protocol tcp
source {
translation {
address masquerade

Inbound and outbound interface tried in “any”

I assume you are using VyOS 1.3.x ?

You need to setup 3 rules:

  1. Stuff arriving to WAN interface dstip:dstport is DNAT to the internal IP.
  2. Stuff arriving to LAN interface dstip:dstport is DNAT to the internal IP.
  3. Stuff leaving LAN interface dstip:dstport is SNAT to the LAN interface IP.

Se example at NAT — VyOS 1.3.x (equuleus) documentation

For 1.4-rolling: NAT44 — VyOS 1.4.x (sagitta) documentation

  admin@vyos:~$ show version 

Version: VyOS 1.0.2
Description: VyOS 1.0.2 (hydrogen)
Copyright: 2014 SO3 Group
Built by: maintainers@vyos.net
Built on: Sun Feb 2 15:49:43 UTC 2014
Build ID: 1402021549-59dba31
System type: Intel 64bit
Boot via: disk
Hypervisor: VMware
HW model: VMware Virtual Platform
HW S/N: VMware-42 0d 28 19 18 83 7d 20-93 51 0d 07 d4 7d 3e 24
HW UUID: 420D2819-1883-7D20-9351-0D07D47D3E24
Uptime: 14:04:48 up 25 days, 20:47, 1 user, load average: 0.03, 0.05, 0.05

I tried it, but not work :frowning:


admin@vyos# show nat destination rule 110
description Hairpin_SMTP_25_Port
destination {
address WAN_IP
port 25
inbound-interface eth1.900
protocol tcp
translation {
port 25
admin@vyos# show nat destination rule 111
description “Nat Reflection Inside”
destination {
port 25
inbound-interface eth0.302
protocol tcp
translation {
port 25
admin@vyos# show nat source rule 110
destination {
outbound-interface eth0.302
protocol tcp
source {
translation {
address masquerade

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection timed out

Vif 0.302:

vif 302 {
description “VM New Domain”
vrrp {
vrrp-group 1 {
advertise-interval 1
preempt true
priority 10
sync-group istrouter

Uhh… thats really old (1.0.2 from what it seems year 2014)… you should consider upgrading to 1.3.3 LTS or 1.4-rolling.

after the update, some systems may not work correctly. This vyos got to me in 2016 by inheritance from the last admin

3 Stuff leaving LAN interface dstip:dstport is SNAT to the LAN interface IP.

Make sure this rule is only active for source IP addresses in LAN range
Otherwise, all SMTP connections will be source natted, which could break SPF

Alternatively, use split DNS, so internal hosts can use external name, which points to